Quest is an amazing person you will come across in life. He’s known to make everyone laugh, and maybe be a little bit eccentric to some. Quest will make an effort to make you happy, and go through extreme lengths to help you. Anyone who has a Quest in their life should appreciate them.
Did you hear about Quest? He’s such a cool guy.
by lalalaal38388484 May 22, 2022
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Quest is an amazing guy you’ll come across in life. He’s known to be funny, and a little bit eccentric at times. However, he always tries his best to make you smile. Quest will go through extreme lengths to have fun and be cool, any Quest you have in your life should be appreciated
Did you hear about Quest? He’s such a cool dude.
by lalalaal38388484 May 22, 2022
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someone with a humongous dick, and they can pull almost any female. Usually African American, Quest is a player who likes females with beauty and amazing hair. Quest is very handsome, and likes the attention of their significant other.
Come here, Quest.
by jestone November 21, 2021
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Name: A name given to both male and females. Usually anyone named Quest will live up to their name and will have an arduous quest to find true love, which is weird cause they always have a big penis and or breasts with above average attractiveness.
Person 1: Hey is that Quest?

Person 2: Yeah, isn't he/she fucking sexy as hell?

Person 1: Yeah too bad they are only interested in people uninterested in them.
by TheDarkVoidOfMySoul March 20, 2017
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A type of test that isn’t really a quiz or a full on test.
Hello students today we are taking or quest, everyone get your calculators out please.”
by somekid8368 February 18, 2022
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Quest, a guy who, once you meet, you'll never get tired of. He's extremely loyal in relationships and friendships. This guy's strong, mentally. He can make it through anything. He's good at hiding emotions, but it's probably a habit he should work on. He's very very attractive, tall, too. He probably wears glasses, but doesn't like to for some reason. He has many talents and knows it, but doesn't brag.
Who's that cute guy we see in the library all the time?

Him? That's probably Quest!
by urbandictionarynames6274 April 19, 2020
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When you have a quiz and a test u need to study for :(
Danica has three quests tomorrow
by Naturegirl357 November 22, 2019
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