When you are in a funny mood but mad at the same time
I’m lol mad at her/him for that
by Idk3685 July 4, 2018
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an absolute idiot, and a scaredy-cat! they're weak and pathetic should have gone to get the milk.
I hate ur dad lol
fr they're such a wank stain!
by greml!n October 12, 2021
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No lols is a term created in Akron,Ohio. It means you got no laughs. It comes from the term (laugh out loud)
Yo momma so fat when she jumps theres a earthquake🤓”
“Nigga aint get no lol’s😂”
by User3318310746827 August 29, 2022
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1. A state of being stupidly hilarious.

(Synonyms: stupidity, silliness)

2. Another word for the 2020 political debate.

(Synonyms: chaos, madness)

3. A word to describe the state of lol.

(Synonyms: Funni, silly)

4. A parodied version of the loch ness monster.

Sigma male: Dude, you're in such a state of lolness.
Beta male: LOL! #globalwarmingisahoax

Bob: Did you see Brandon and Trump fighting?
Bobette: Yeah, that lolness was funni.


Jon: Garfield, you can't eat so much lasagna or you'll have type 4 diabetes!
Garfield: Lolness

Chad: Broooooo did you see the lolness monster?
Virgin: No, I'm at home
by Jobs McStevey November 16, 2021
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When you laugh in your head but not aloud, aka MLol or mlol
Husband: “Aren’t you going to laugh at me?”
Wife: “I did, it was in my head. A mental lol.”
by Buckeyeheel April 7, 2018
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"Hey Jack."
"fard lol"
by CompDictio April 12, 2022
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this is how you would describe something that you find is funny but has no meaning or reason to be funny
he look theres a cat "lol bananas"

i saw my friend talking to the girl he likes "lol bananas"
by trololol lol bananas April 17, 2013
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