In the early part of any century when the majority of the adult population has been born, or any item referred to - that may refer to middle age and a proto-digital, analog-waning lifestyle and thought process which can include bias or opinion that changes in society with time.
Kids today use their phones to make their video blogs while using a VHS camcorder is so last-century.

That dial telephone ringing is so last-century.
by Udderly Fresh January 16, 2021
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the act of engaging in extreme cliff jumping to train for a century bike ride
Man, I am not ready for this century ride. Hey, I have an idea. How about we do some century cliff training off that waterfall?!
by foobarbazbing July 30, 2013
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The scholarship that you tell all your friends you have but u actually only have it cause your parents are broke.
Guy #1: Hey dude I got the 21st Century Scholarship!

Guy #2: Oh you mean the pity scholarship?
by Ayeskyzone December 16, 2017
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The best Persiseant World experience out of all the NWN servers in existence.
I tried all those other servers like Avlis and Mythos, but none were so good as Dark Century.
by   September 14, 2003
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21ST CENTURY SURVEILLANCE, youll have absolutely no privacy. 21st century surveillance the USA law enforcement is using weapons of war on its citizens. what else is new.
by reeeetaaaaad June 4, 2023
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Patrick Kearney. That's it, that's the Jake Pauler of the century.
Yo who's Jake Pauler of the century this time around?
Oh it's Patrick Kearney.
by BungusBoi June 16, 2021
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Person 1: what century is the 21st century
Person 2: International make fun of Keira century
Person 1: oh no I'm called keira
by G E K O L O N I S E E R D February 8, 2021
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