Also stands for "before anyone else"
You are my bae

(You are before anyone else to me)
by Jakehugo January 15, 2016
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Bae is the most residuals thing to call your significant other if you use this word please stop for the sake of other people its fucking annoying
Omg bae I love you so...
(Me roundhouse kicking you in the face)
stop itfrom just stop its fucking annoying
by Whiny bitch 1234 January 20, 2018
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I got a new bae or i just saw bae
by jogidlc January 13, 2016
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is also used to abbreviate 'Before Anyone Else', which is usually the title given to that special/go too boyfriend or a girlfriend, in other words, the girlfriend that's not the side chick and the boyfriend who's not the side man.
Hey, I have to speak to the bae, before a party with you girls tonight!
by JaayJohn February 1, 2016
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Bae is basically a text form of "before anyone else". The difference between bae and babe is that when someone calls you babe it usually indicates that you weren't their first boyfriend/girlfriend. When someone calls you bae it usually indicates that you are their first boyfriend/girlfriend.
Hey bae, how are you?
Brian is such a bae!
That girl is so bae
That guy is so bae
by Bryy February 14, 2017
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The one who makes you feel like your special. Your lover. Boyfriend/girlfriend. Your best friend
Girl: hey bae what do you want to do tonight?
Boy: idk, bae. Let's go to the movies
by Silly_Jaz101 May 18, 2016
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You like someone
Your bae like you so much
by Kissme890 January 17, 2018
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