1. aka "Loonz"
by 47 Loonz June 13, 2019
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The term/fetish 47, or Ak-47, means the act of intimately masturbating by using a gun/toy gun. Ammosexuals are obviously prone to do this as it means they are sexually attracted to guns. 47 is a fetish and so is ammosexual but 47 is the act of masturbating with a gun. while ammosexual is a term used for the sexual attraction to guns. some examples of how to do 47 are using it as a dildo with the barrel or magazine. or using any holes on it like the clip slot (where you load the gun) or the barrel.
I want to do 47. I want to do ak-47. 47 is one of my fetishes.
by UrLocalFEMBOY June 19, 2022
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the number that comes after ak.
Teacher: class, what comes after 47??
Quite kid: ak.
that one kid: omg we are gonna be on the news :D
by alexthechoochieslayer69 February 12, 2022
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a number between 46 and 48
47 people are here
by Yanique_Edwards July 27, 2020
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What the weird kids say when the teacher says what becomes 47
Teacher: so here is a odd pattern and tell me what comes in the blank 39,41,43,__,47,49

Weird kid: AK
Everyone:Super Sonics out of there
by @Tyrone December 31, 2021
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The Class 47 is a diesel locomotive. One of the nostalgia trains in the starter pack, these locos are point to something idk. They can see serving places such as everywhere in the UK
BR Class 47 is as cute as Danielle!
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pretty epic guy, good bot
one of the nicest people ever
u/-Agent-47- is on r/teenagersbutpog
by arccer August 8, 2021
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