Polly pie is the result of a vagina that has received multiple loads of semen during a small span of time. Usually on the same day. Also known as "polly pie."
Aww I was fucking my girl and I said, "hey, you're real wet" and she said , "yeah it's because I've already been poly pied twice today."

It's only a Poly Pie if it's after the second load.
by Kit E September 30, 2013
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When 3 or more people live together as a family, (not blood related, closer then roomates) yet not fully dating. Can not just randomly move out when you want like a roommate, would have to find a suitable poly-partner to take over.
This rent is so high, will need to have a poly-rental just to live here comfortably.

This house is 5x more then what I can make, good thing I have a poly-rental relationship.
by The Joker40 September 8, 2021
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A person who is newly out as polyamorous and is learning and exploring their identity!
“I haven’t heard of kitchen table polyamory, I’m still a poly-wog.”
by New to the pond August 22, 2021
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An awesome bridge game where you (obviousely) build bridges. But, however, It's different than just the typical "build a bridge." It includes just simple/normal bridges, but then there's the jumps and hydraulics. It's hard to fully explain and I'm suprised I even got this far.
Person 1: I love Poly Bridge
Person 2: What's Poly Bridge
Person 1: NANI!?
by fuck off nosy ass prick March 22, 2021
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An idiot 3d video game modder.
P1:"He's really idot for a modder."
P2:"Yeah, he has a low poly brain."
by Lit Pr August 24, 2021
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