The process if putting a air pump into the tip of a penis and then filling it up with air
My girlfriend said she wanted to give me a dick tire last night
by Golfwane August 16, 2020
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A state of being, unprecedented laziness.

An unimaginably lazy person, not limited to a female.

A person who's percieved 'needs' basically leaves them unable to function in normal day to day life.

A person who claims to always be tired but really just cant be bothered to do anything, ever.
Im sally tired, i didn't get my 10 hours sleep last night.

I cant believe how sally tired my sister is, she dumps her kids on anyone who will take them.

I swear i am not just lazy, i have a condition, im sally tired.
by MotherSally June 28, 2017
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You are so tired of the social media posts about Trump and seeing him on TV that you feel emotionally exhausted
Dude, I would love to meet up for happy hour, but I am Trump tired.
by Dr. Brizzy February 2, 2017
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When your girl don't shave her asshole and a black ring is left on your face after you eat for ass.
Person 1:Damn it you where. You give me a hairy tire last night and now I can't get it off.

Whore: I swear I shaved.
by chucknorrisisbehindyou6969 April 26, 2017
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When a man and women are in a "69" style sex position whilst rolling down a fairly tall hill. The man must "finish" before they get to the bottom.
Man, I almost broke my hip doing the Rollin' Tire with Stacy last night.
by Nippin May 2, 2015
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sounds like “my entire

can be used for suggestive jokes
what’s mayan tire? mayan tire dick in your mouth
by harryy bell saek March 12, 2023
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