People that you know that act hardcore and try to hide who they really are. They wear Ford Hoodies and Flannel and claim to listen to metal but Only ride British motorcycles, drink Starbucks, Eat at chipotle, have a blackberry and send their girlfriend flowers when she has a cold.
person 1: Hey you want to see if Brian wants to go to the Rob Zombie Concert.

person 2: Hell no he is a Day walking Yuppie who will most likely want to get a pumpkin spice latte before the show and we will all get our asses kicked.
by G-man 666 December 4, 2009
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The last phase of yuppie greed which destroys the very neighborhood they colonized and traps them in their condos forever with bad credit too.
The Smiths can't sell their condo either. They're stuck in the yuppie ghetto endgame. Ha ha.
by swiggins00 June 25, 2008
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a location with that hole in the wall feeling to it that yuppies frequent to feel better about themselves. in essence it is a place where the wealthy folk go in hopes that they will become more in touch with reality but essentially they just kid themselves and continue living in their falsified perception of an existence.
Chris (a down to earth wealthy man) said to Steve, "I just made a killing trading the Australian Dollar this weekend, lets go grab a bite to celebrate, on me. Where do you want to dine?"
Steve replies, "I know a great yuppie hole in the wall over by Tiny's gas station."
by stolich March 9, 2008
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A twenty-dollar bill, esp. one acquired from an automatic teller machine (ATM).
Brad thinks he's such hot stuff, just "casually" waving those yuppie drinking coupons around like that. He can get the next round, then.
by dwpocius May 26, 2006
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Don't complete the class with a case of yuppie flu from now on. Take a break when needed.
by The Return of Light Joker April 1, 2011
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Twenty-dollar bill. (Cf. yuppie food coupon)
That bottle of wine will cost you a yuppy food coupon and a half.
by thundt March 14, 2006
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First of all they are ALWAYS from New Jersey. You know the type. They act all tough but they really are just bitch ass pencil pushing homos with anxiety problems. They have a little bit of money and power with decent connections so you might be tempted to put up with their bullshit. Total bitches though, and eventually if you hang out with them long enough, you too will share their qualities. Eventually you will move to Jersey and move your head around like a bitch when you get agitated and curse out innocent by-standers for no apparent reason. Be warned my friend, be warned.
Yuppie-Ass-Jersian: HEY UH I'LL KICK YOUR ASS DEA!!
Guy Minding His Own Business: Shut the fuck up you Yuppie-Ass-Jersian.
Yuppie-Ass-Jersian: Oh right, sorry dea, don't tell my boss OK buddy ahhhh.
by Dahn Turgenson February 8, 2009
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