A post so good it brings you to the brink of orgasm.
by Fren-of-a-Fren March 20, 2023
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Nickname for the second best Discord Moderator on a UTMP Discord server. He's an amazing and funny man (don't mention his anime pfps). That is UTMP Gem.
Discord User 1: Hey, do you know who Gem is?
Discord User 2: No, who is he?
Discord user 1: Bimbus Bobus 2
Discord User 2: What...
by Grey God July 28, 2021
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A rare kind of media(video, book, picture, message, song, etc.) that is also unique
"I found this gem a while back on random social media platform check it out" (shows whatever he found on random social media platform)

"Look at this funny gem I found on YouTube"
by Calisthenics Enjoyer September 30, 2023
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To give good advice or random wisdom to another person in time of needs. Normally from Old Heads or (OG’s)
“Come here young blood let me drop some gems on you.”


“Hope you listening these some goods gems you getting for free”
by Quietly Famous November 16, 2021
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Someone who's really dumb but you like them and want to be nice and not directly say "you're dumb"
Sheesh... Wade's a real gem.
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A Raw-Gem-Sock Donguess is a wonderful person. They know when to lift you up when you fall down and will always be there for you. Never let go of a RGSD and especially never betray one. Although they can be nice that’s only when that person deserves it. You make one mistake- RGSD will make you feel physical and emotional pain like you’ve never felt before. Once you lose their respect or trust it’s very very difficult to gain back.
“Man, don’t be so uptight. Let go and live a little- be a Raw-Gem-Sock Donguess once in a while.”
by Penelope The Wise January 17, 2018
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Anything that’s softer than a baby’s bottom.
Damn! Your face is as soft as gem’s bottom.
by llamalanuh October 23, 2022
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