(n.) A male with features or mannerisms resembling those normally associated with females.
"Did you see the way that guy was doin' that hip-lock thing? That was one chicky dude."
"Legolas is a pretty chicky dude."
by Kekiia January 2, 2009
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a dude-off is a battle between two dudes in which only the word dude is used but it can be said with any inflection that the vocalizer pleases. the battle is won either when one player accidently uses another word other than dude or by honor code when one player simply admits defeat
shhh, they're having an intense dude-off right now so be quiet

player A: dude
player B: dude dude
player A: dude dude dude
player B: duuuuuude
by shaggymorphism October 27, 2021
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When a person behaves like a "typical dude" would act in certain sexual scenarios. i.e. Thinking with your dick instead of brain.
So I've been talking to Scott and Matt and I can't make up my mind about them, so I dude moved Scott the other night.
by ABSTAR2010 December 11, 2019
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This phrase is the opposite description of male-to-female trannies, A.K.A. "Chicks With Dicks." The word pudendum describes a woman's external genitalia.
"Hey, brosef, what's up with that new student, Jack? He looks like a chick."

"Don't worry, broheim, he is one of those Dudes with Pudes. Jack used to be Jill."
by SmellsLikeaMan December 18, 2019
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Usually an extreme jubilation or expression of approval concerning absolutely nothing.

The combination of words can be placed in any order as long as it used in the same setting i.e. "Frickin'+Sweet=Dude"
Keith: What's up playa?
Eric: Not much man. What's going on tonight?
Keith: I don't know, but Dude+Frickin'=Sweet!
Eric: You know it.
by PigBenis December 28, 2007
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Food is always important before anyone, especially dudes (or guys/boys)
"Food Before Dudesss guys!!"
by romance/smut fan!! June 23, 2023
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