(aka Spiritual Deficit Disorder) When you are meditating or practicing yoga then lose focus to start thinking about other things like what you want to eat for dinner.
Ugh, I totally can't zen-out. I have spiritual A.D.D.
by bünch October 26, 2016
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The name of a wonderful cult started by Klaus Hargreeves, also includes sex swings.
Person: what the fuck is going on over there?
Me: oh, that’s just Klaus’s cult, the alternative spiritual community
by Basictransguy March 9, 2022
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Spiritual Extraphysicalism is a term used to refer to the opposite of spiritual physicalism, where there's some support or full support to extraphysicalist, extramaterialist, post-positivist and spiritualist views of the world, reality, religion and spirituality. Spiritual Extraphysicalism often seeks to explain all spiritual experiences such as Astral Projection and Mediumship by extraphysicalism means and excludes any possibility of only matter and only physics to actually exist but the existence of things beyond matter and physics that would be called as extramatter and extraphysics. Spiritual extraphysicalism also supports the development of an extraphysical based spirituality and the completely rejection of spiritual physicalism and its material reductionism about spiritual and religious experiences and phenomena.
"Spiritual extraphysicalism is the opposite of spiritual physicalism, that's the why there's a division between spiritual communities online purely because of the physicalist-extraphysicalist issue. But it's purely a matter of hegemony and even of spiritual pluralism as well."
by Full Monteirism May 9, 2021
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A group consisting of the villains (not necessarily the main villains) of the 15 current Final Fantasy games.
The Warriors of Spiritus are villains.
by The local Argentinian guy November 14, 2021
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A term that means absolutely nothing at all, but that people claim to practice when they want to sound deep, and mystically wise, but it's not RELIGION, they would never practice anything so crass and gauche as RELIGION, of course, they want to let you know that they're not like those silly God-botherers, no, THEY just engage in the exact type of magical thinking as religious followers, but don't even have the "God" excuse to fall back on.
Dumbass: Ever since I fucked up my life, I've decided to begin practicing spirituality. I'm not religious, I'm spiritual.
Rational Person: What the fuck does that even mean?
by q359 July 25, 2023
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S tier ROBLOX SFer. Ex-JennaSalts Lover.
yoo? he's eatin sphagetti with her? must be a spiritualities
by ROBLOXianDefinitionsTrueFacts November 1, 2020
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