The bottom of the swamp kinda gal that you can't rid of. always snagging your anchor on this bitch. She's got no shame. A gal that will snag you and many others but you both know you will break free at some point so go ahead and take your time getting de-snagged.
That girl last night was such a snag, she left a shit stain on my sheets.
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When you cup your hand and jab someone in the stomach so unbelievable fast and hard the planet's crust quakes beneath you, and you scream "SNAG!" as loud as humanly possible.
Dude ima snag your ass if you touch my kool aid
by Lumpy potatoes December 11, 2018
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Long skinny sausage like penis
That blokes snag is hangin out the bottom of his shorts
by BigBucks69 November 20, 2020
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"He tried to go for swag but instead is repen snag"
by Swaggerrrmaster December 31, 2011
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a gathering of 7-15 people who fang round in shitbox cars, have a snag or 3 for tea, drive the shitbox cars for a bit more, light a massive fucking fire and then throw shit at old mate, followed by camping in swags.
how was snags n swags on the weekend? fuckin tops old mate
by old mate mort January 27, 2013
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Starts from sundown to sunrise.
I’m going to head out after this snagging hours is almost over!!!!
by Jenks October 4, 2019
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