Knowing when to stay quiet and when to speak up; tact.
"You should practice some shut-the-fuck-upsmanship before your mouth writes checks your ass can't cash"
by Its_the_K April 6, 2021
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A act of kindness to everyone around by letting them not hear your voice.
Person 1: (Quotes overused meme.)

Person 2: Ever heard of shutting the fuck up?
by completebruhmoment21 February 19, 2021
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Another (retrograde) definition for educational institutions in the internet age, based on the fact that one has to shut up and listen, and prove or disprove things in the best possible way, as opposed to the internet where everyone can just shout out everything they want or even force themselves on random strangers.
Marked by a contrast of a true understanding of relativism and absolutism as opposed to the internet, where every relative, negligible thing or context is also given full absolute status.
Being too much on the internet makes me long for learn to shut (the fuck) up-institutions.
by felixh November 30, 2016
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1. (adjective) Totally, permanently and irreversibly fucked. Similar to fubar but with the extra condition of being irreversible.
"Dude got t-boned by a semi going 70. He's fucked shut."
by a55hor53 September 19, 2019
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