jittle john: “ayo mom” mom: “yes dear?” jittle john: “imma go to sexy susan’s house an do shrooms and LSD with her.” mom: “okay dear be good, be on your best behavior.”
by b.r.o.o.k.l.y.n.n:) January 18, 2022
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When you are doing laundry and are wanting to add some extra starch to your clothing. Pull open a pocket and cum into it.
While I was washing clothes the other night, I forgot to buy some starch. So I thought I would add Shroom Starch to it, so I opened up a pocket and came into it.
by DRUNK3NP3NGU1N October 6, 2023
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April 2nd National shroom day !!!! A day for the world to open their eyes #namaste
by Youngzillion April 2, 2019
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A mushroom found growing on a dune made of sand
Well I’ll be Joelly boy, is that a dried up dookie?

Noo, Elizabeth my girl, that is a dune shroom!
by Caucontheloose September 19, 2022
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A plant in Plants vs. Zombies 2 which shoots viral spores which does good damage but can turn Zombies into other Spore-shrooms once they're destroyed.
"Spore-shrooms are so good in some worlds because they can pressure the Zombies by a TON."
by Otheruser325 January 15, 2023
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When your friend has had too much shrooms and now he looks like toad
Are u addicted again? Cuz u got a shroom cut!
by Boiiooio January 17, 2019
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A mushroom which is celebrating Christmas wither by cosplay or baking cakes or distributing presents. If someone hurts this type of mushroom, they are bound to go to hell.
Person 1: Hey look at that mushroom, it seems like it has a christmas hat
Person 2: NO! THAT'S A CRIMMAS SHROOM!! You'll be damned if you eat that!
by BlackNinjaKR November 25, 2021
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