A cult/religion formed around the Butter Cat. It was founded by some idiots
Person 1: Have you heard of the Butter Cat Brigade?

Person 2: No, what is it?

Person 1: The Butter Cat Brigade (B.C.B) is a cult/religion founded for the Butter Cat! *

Person 2: Oh, sounds cool! I'll look into it!

**Definition: A cult/religion formed around the Butter Cat. It was founded by some idiots
by Kitty F Cat 76538484847474 October 13, 2019
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A group of people who want Bandana Waddle Dee in Smash.
The Bandana Brigade is full of cool people.
by Twostie February 20, 2019
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teh noopy crew, nooper of the noop

a crew with 1 member *cough hells angel cough*

it is said the colour crew made this crew exstinked.
the colour brigade is for nobodys.
by rawr i are teh 1337 June 6, 2004
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When you think that god is here to save you but it's actually the KKK giving you a visit
Had such a weird dream, thought the Light Brigade was there to save me
by kennypasta March 23, 2019
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Ice Brigade, is where you are broke as hell and just ran out of options, losing all hope and about to say fuck it calling it a night, when out of know where 2 or more of your friends bust through the door and are loaded with high grade crystal clear 8-ball of meth and light your night up.
John looking like a man with no hope left shaking and fiening in the corner, the door swiftly opens and a couple of his buddies drop on the table his eye openers he smiled a jumped to his feet and screamed Ice Brigade hell yeah .
by Dms79 December 24, 2017
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{ˈkā-vē-ˌat brɪˈɡeɪd} - noun
Spiritual sibling to Grammar nazi and Genre police.

The "Caveat-Brigade" are a bunch of people whose desperate need for validation from online strangers drive them to argue against sound reasoning by employing overexaggerated scenarios in which a statement would be the opposite of what was claimed.

They frequently employ Tu qouque arguments seeking to invalidate or detract from the conversation by lowering everyone involved into a mire of what-aboutism and semantics.
John - "Yeah, what the Nazis did during WWII was downright monsterous..."
Sam - "Actually, monstrous is a poor choice or words, the german people were forced to behave the way they did because they got screwed after WWI... besides, Hitler did what was right for Germany at the time"
Anna - "What the hell Sam?!"
John - "Ignore him Anna, he´s from the Caveat-Brigade"
by Akronyhm December 9, 2018
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