In order to emphasize a phrase or a word

Stated at the end of the phrase/word
Marissa is so beautiful; CAPS LOCK BOLD PRINT

Basketball is a complex game; CAPS LOCK BOLD PRINT

Smarty gets super geeked out he has harlem nights; CAPS LOCK BOLD PRINT
by Exclamation April 12, 2013
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When the labia majora is visible through the pants, because the pussy snacking on that fabric. A camel-toe.
Ayo that kitty print got me thinkin bout the slot machines.
by ralusek-spaghets March 12, 2019
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(verb) To produce a large amount of money - usually in reference to a stock, stock option, or other investment
Man, these weekly $GME calls are going to print

Dogecoin is finally printing, time to go buy some tendies
by June 3, 2021
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In music production scenes, print (a.k.a. commit) is the process to render the specific track (unlike mixdown which render the whole tracks onto either mono, stereo, or surround-sound/spatial audio channel) with all the processing applied to that track
Print is beneficial to reduce your computer system's or your audio interface DSP's workload
by Sir. B April 21, 2022
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Photos that are printed out, either as individual prints or as a strip.
We decided to get photobooth prints as favors for our guests, and it was a hit - everyone loved the fun, candid shots and it was a great way to remember the event.
by PhotosinMotionDmv January 3, 2023
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If your name is print then you are usually a retard and doesn't know to function like a normal person without assistance from another person. They are also very horny, racist and hypocritical. Print is a wild species of dwarf that will sneak into your house and do sexual activities to someone without their consent.
Print didn't stop after I said "no".
by CCSHARK May 21, 2022
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