A band that thinks they're a "rock" band, but is really as pop as Katy Perry or One Direction. Have no fans above the age of 14, and have lyrics and music that scream "desperate for fame." Plus, those guys are over thirty. Aren't they a little old to be playing music like that?
12 year old girl: omg i love my chemical romance!
man with a successful career, lovable wife, and high intellect: go listen to ok computer, and see what you're missing.
by Siamese Cream March 17, 2013
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My chemical romance is an amazing band. They have helped many people through their hardest times. My chemical romance's newest album is "danger days"(buy it) Gerard way is the lead singer (he is one sassy man) They are NOT EMO. So all you fags who continually say that, Just stop.
person 1: Hey have you herd Of My chemical romance?

Person 2: Yeah, people need to get lives and stop jacking on them
by YeahShutUp June 18, 2011
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They are like marmite. You either HATE them or LOVE them... there is no inbetween:)

Obsessed or Disgusted.. you pick.. but before you judge them on what you have read or heard about them just PLEASE listen to the album 'i brought you my bullets you brought me your love' and then you can make a judgement..:)

TBH i probably owe them my sanity.
OMG i Heart My Chemical Romance...

OMG i Hate My Chemical Romance...

W H O C A R E S ? ? ??

by Trina... April 22, 2008
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A band that has been around for a while but has just recently become popular because of the singles 'I'm Not Okay (I Promise)' and 'Helena'.

Their other singles include 'Vampires Will Never Hurt You', 'Honey This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us,' and 'The Ghost of You' which was leaked on the internet before the release date. A fourth single from their latest album, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, is planned in the Band's future. As of now, the next single could possibly be 'You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison' or 'Cemetary Drive'.

They currently have 5 members: Mikey Way, Gerard Way, Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, and Ray Toro.

My Chemical Romance has 2 albums out currently (I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love and Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge). A third album is due to be recorded sometime in the winter.

They are currently finishing up headlining the Warped Tour and will begin their first headlining tour of the USA and a couple of UK dates in the fall.

Judging from most interviews the band has participated in, their music is difficult to classify, but can be classified as "Violent Pop-Rock".

If you don't like My Chemical Romance, then just don't listen to them (and if you don't like them, what are you doing looking this up?)
by Abby Scholtendey August 10, 2005
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A band. Good or bad...that's for you to decide for yourself.
I don't need someone telling me whether My Chemical Romance sucks or that they're amazing. I'll decide for myself, thanks.
by theSHAN May 7, 2006
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My Chemical Romance are a band from NJ. I;m not going to attempt to give them a specific genre, because they have many influences. Guitar wise they use a mixture of punk and metal riffs, mainly due to the bands love of bands like the Misfits, and metal bands such as iron Maiden. Lyrically, Gerard Way writes in a style similar to that of Morrisey, using metaphors and story-telling to get across his point.

In reading the other definitions here, I was quite angered by the many comments about the band slitting their wrists, or encouraging their fans to do so, because one of the most important messages the band gives out is that self-harm is not acceptable. "No-one should ever feel the need to hurt themselves, because the rest of the world hurts you badly enough." They hate the idea of self-harm, and will always encourage their fans to get some help. Regardless of whether or not you personally like the music, people should never insult a band that to someone else could mean so much, and could have helped someone else so much. I don't like Slayer, to me slayer just sounds like noise, but I won't insult them because to someone they could have been a great help, could inspire them, or could just mean a lot to someone.
Band members are Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, and Bob Bryar. Yes, they are all quite good looking, but that isn't what the music is about, and they get quite uncomfortable about the attention to their looks.
They're very nice guys, I hung out without them quite a bit a few weeks ago, and none of them once mentioned a wish to slit their wrists, mainly they just took the mickey out of each other, and tried to set me on fire by dropping their cigarettes on my shoes.
Whilst all of them hate homophobia, and make a point of standing up for anti-prejudiced feelings, none of them are actually gay, just open-minded people, who stand up for others who can't stand up for themselves.
They aren't emo, please research genres and learn correct definitions before you label bands as emo.
"He said "Son when, you grow up, will you be, the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned."

He said "will you defeat them, your demons and all the non-believers, the plans they have made.""

"We'll Carry on
Though your dead and gone believe me
Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And in my heart I cant contain it
The anthem wont explain it."

"Defiant to the end, we hear the call"

My Chemical Romance-Not exactly depressing lyrics in my opinion.

Welcome to the Black Parade-Possibly the most uplifting song I've heard.

by M L B September 20, 2006
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An awesome band that features five amazing and talented guys: Gerard way, Mikey way, Frank iero, Ray Toro, and Bob Bryar.
They're an alternative rock band, but is also considered to be an emo band. Which is not true since most people consider the term emo as a trend. They are NOT emo for they even said so in an interview. THey are themselves and no one should label them emo.
They're awesome and you should seriously check them out sometimes since their music really speaks the truth.

The world can't always be about lovey dovey stuff as many people write today. it's also about the cruel things that's happening in daily lives and they speak the truth and real emotions that you feel once in your life
Person1: My chemical romance sure rocks
Person2: Of course
Person1: Their songs are really inspirational
Person2: And emotional i mean if more people stop and try to listen to their music maybe they won't consider them as freaks
Person1: They're not freaks it's just many people judge on looks these days
Person2: Definantly that's where the word "cliques" and "labels" were formed.
Person1: Yup they should definantly try to listen to Helena that's a very beautiful song
Person2: No disenchanted
Person1 and Person2: NO THANKS FOR THE VENOM
Person1: Oh man i can't even pick they just make such good songs
Person2: Yup in my opinion i think it's better than those trash lame disney corporations come up with. I mean seriously "I wanna get back get back with you" I mean ever heard of get over it he was probably a jerk more fish in the sea.
Person1: Hmm what about "Burning up"
i mean it starts out with "I"m hot" which is sorta self absorbed if you ask me.
Person2: Yup! But that's the jonas brothers i mean how long do you think it took kevin to get those ugly sideburns or joe to grow out a bushy eyebrows.
Person1: Exactly i mean my chemical romance is really such an amazing band.
Person2: THey inspired me so much.
Meanperson: I think they're stupid
Person1: Gasp how come?
Meanperson: Well i mean the lyrics is shit you can't even understand it
Person2: That's because it's similar to poetry you have to dig deep to find the meaning you can't just expect it to be like those regular songs that have simple lyrics that even a 3 year old can understand.
by Randomperson. December 31, 2009
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