The most beautiful and sexiest woman in history! She’s so sexy with her curly brown hair. Oh and let’s not leave out that high sexy pitch voice that makes you wanna just jump her bones.
Hey did you see that girl Erica? Daammmn, she makes me tingly down!
by Great big mind December 1, 2020
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A little freak who openly admits it. But lies about certain details. Typically has a bid head full of lies and a long neck to spit venom at anybody who makes an eney of her.
Erica tried to rip that girl head off
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Erica is the most uncommon name ever anyone who is named Erica I’m so sorry for them.

Erica is usually someone who doesn’t know how to stop being themselves like OMG just stop already
Me-You know Erica.

Them- yeah you mean the bitch?

Me- yeah that’s her
by Tussushsh May 11, 2022
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a stupid bitch that’s autistic asf and you want to punch her hard in the mouth after hearing her voice. she’s a good shag tho
by hahhdjsjajajajkaa November 24, 2021
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The most gorgeous girl you have ever seen. You walk in a room and your eyes are drawn to her with her beautiful eyes and smile she can get any guy.
"hi nice to meet you, you must be erica"
"how did you know"
"your beauty"
by gghheew May 25, 2023
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the most annoying person you will probaly ever meet, she is always curious about inside jokes and never talks to anyone, she can be very lazy at times and will always have something to say if you make a mistake
person 1:dude who is that

person2: its erica

mirror brakes
person1: bro did you see that

person2: yeah it happens evertime
by Anonymous(1938) November 23, 2021
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