Emily is a sweet girl who would have a very productive life if she could get her head out of a book. She loves to read, write, dance, act, and sing. She doesn’t find other people’s opinions think unless they don’t like the fanfic she writes. Then it matters an awful lot. She tries to subtly manipulate without being rude. She has deep connections with her friends and family. She loves everyone around her but stays close to the ones she loves most.
OMG, Emily posted another chapter of her story!
by not jennifer lopez May 22, 2019
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Emily is the most amazing girl you'll ever meet. She is outgoing and sometimes can be dirty. Most Emily's are ranga's but aren't ashamed of it. She falls in love very easily, but won't admit it. She is the truest friend ever and she knows when a friend is in need for a hug. She is usually very popular and has friends of all ages. If you like an Emily, you should DEFINITELY tell her as she probably likes you too. Keep an Emily close to your heart and never let her go.

P.S love you Emily xx
Jack: Is that Emily your girl?
Oliver: No but i surely wish she was.
by i wuv wuv wuv youuu September 15, 2020
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Emily is the best person ever, she is sporty nice kind and loving she is the best person to talk to and she always knows how to make you happy even on your worst days, she knows how to cut carrots and make fruit fruit platters and smoothies and like to eat extremely healthy food.
omg I love Emily she's so sweet and loving
by some fish May 13, 2019
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A word used as slang for a white liberal college student, similar to how Karen is used to refer to an old irritating white woman. Often times, the word Emily is used with regards to a white girl who is posts a lot of feminist activism on social media, and who gets offended on behalf of black people. Emilys are known for their white savior complex and performative activism. Whenever they see a country which sounds like it has people of color in it, they immediately search for "10 ways to help insert country name" but probably do not do any more research into the topic. Sometimes, it is used as "Emily BLM she/her" in reference to the common virtue signals seen in the social media names of college girls.
Most black people are not offended by the song Rappin for Jesus, but what about Emily BLM she/her?
by Giroud-Morata-58 June 2, 2021
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Emily can be short and loving caring funny and loyal and outgoing , she is the life of the part really she’s fucking crazy and funny and she likes to drink she a Latina! And When you have her never let her go she’s loyal asf and will make a big deal if a girl flirts with her man and she had a beautiful smile really dark hair, dark brown eyes and she’s gorgeous and she is really good at drawing and She seems like a sweat heart at first but she’s a Total crackhead and She seems innocent but yeah your wrong Emily will shoot a hoe she’s not innocent at times but overall Emily is a great friend
Sigh** I miss Emily it’s boring

by Anonymous hoes April 2, 2020
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She can be crazy funny caring and a bit over the top but when you first meet here she is gentle. She can sense emotion so she is able to make you feel better.
Emily: how are you doing to day?
by Emilysmy124 December 12, 2019
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An Emily ( other wise known as one of the most beautiful girls in the world) is a great friend and an even better girlfriend. She is loyal even though she has been through alot. And despite the amount of bullshit people throw at her, she still remains positive (at least on the outside). She will most likely have the best hair and prettiest eyes compared to anyone else you know. She has the cutest laugh and a smile that can light up a room.

I know one and she happens to be the light of my life.
"Did you hear about your homeboy's girl Emily?"
"He is so lucky. I hear she is an angel"
by orange monkos December 27, 2019
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