The type of person who doesn’t give a fuck. She puts tampons in her belly button and judges you because she’s “iN tHe CoMfOrT oF hEr OwN hOmE.”

She’ll also rub dog’s nipples and call them soft, on top of rubbing the area in which dog’s balls are supposed to be but were previously removed.
Megan, you Cunt Bunt! Quit pubeing on the avocado!
by iM nOt Ur FaMiLy May 26, 2019
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(NOUN)- A derogatory term for the male package, penis, scrotum and testicles. Used specifically when the gender of the individual is questionable.
Judging by the size of Caitlin Jenner's bunt, I would imagine she still has a penis.
by Grouchy Joe November 26, 2017
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Part of the relationship base system. Means to kiss, but not at a make out level.
I got a bunt with Chloe the other day.
by jrush0815 September 19, 2016
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To hit a dinger
If your coach gives you the bunt sign you hit a dinger! -Kade Slasher
by DizzleRR January 3, 2018
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used as an offensive term back in the 1890 - 1930.
You fucking bunt I'm gonna beat you so hard you will have a twitch.
by blahdishma August 20, 2021
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Bunts is the fine fine line between being an absolute cunt to someone and having banter with them. No one wants to be a cunt however banter is for the weak. So combine the two and have #BUNTS
*Random person* Chris you're a Cunt!
*Chris* Mate it's just banter?

*Me* No it's fucking BUNTS!!!!
by Cap1aBunts February 20, 2018
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