The third installment of the Dick Suck gaming franchise. Released February 12, 2019. The game takes a tense and intricate take on morality, loyalty, and faith in Nazi Germany and the United Kingdom during the Second World War. Often seen as a revitalization of the DS franchise.
"Hey have you played DS3 yet?"

"Dick Suck 3? I played it all night last night!"
by Kingfisher317 April 6, 2019
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Just after having an argument with someone, you finally end the quarrel and run along.
Guy 1: Oh go fuck yourself man, suck my dick.
Guy 2: Yeah yeah fuck you too man.
Guy 2's friend: Just suck the dick man, you're gonna hurt yourself
Guy 1: *in the background* Yeah walk along dick.
Guy 2: Nah man, i ain't sucking the dick!
by LeilaSP March 21, 2019
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When you pour liquid nitrogen on your cock and it freezes. You then proceed to whack it against a table until it shatters
Dat bitches pussy so cold I got refrigerator dick.”
by XXXChicken_FuckerXXX July 29, 2019
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When you've lost the urge to beat off like you used too
Many Tony has some BEUF DICK. He hasn't beat off in weeks, and he normally beats off 5 times daily
by BRAINSTEW! October 3, 2022
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Someone you contact for a good ol’ fashioned dick down (I.e boy toy). More of a benefits situation than a FWB. You can count on this person to come thru upon summoning and they are equally aware of their role.
A: What are you doing for that date later?

B: It’s not a date, he’s coming over tonight to watch Netflix so I have him down as a dick plug.
by bobabutt January 3, 2022
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When a person attempts to operate out of their intellectual weight class and gets called out for it.
Did you see the muhfkkr Eric try and be smart, boy's a total dick trip.
by GoneJuan August 30, 2022
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