Conforming common objects into the shapes of tetris pieces as to make them more space efficient.
We tetrisalized all that furniture into the van to make it fit.
by GCengneer November 6, 2013
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When your playing tetris and your language changes to Chinese without you realizing it and you accidentally type in Chinese to friends. The Chinese is also gibberish
What I'm trying to say:
Hey, how you doing?

What tetris type makes me say:
by BAMBAMBAM March 10, 2014
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a request for a male and female to have a lovely date together.
Hey girl, wanna hop on tetris?
I would love to boy!
by ramioji October 18, 2022
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A request from a boy to a girl to go on a date
Hey girl, wanna hop on tetris?
Sure boy I would love to. :)
by ramioji October 18, 2022
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The act of trying to fit as many hippies, their dogs, their gear and their girlfriends in a smaller or already packed vehicle.
We're gonna have to hippie tetris ourselves in here, or none of us will fit in this car!
by DUNTDADUH February 7, 2017
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The act of one or more individuals interlocking steps used to step up and get boats.
Man Ryan and I really Tetris Dat Shit yesterday.
by :HLKJFGDZSF July 11, 2014
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