a black or brown or any wied dark color of a sloppy substance that comes out of the ass hole
by james April 14, 2004
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Waste secreted from the anus that isn't ejaculated and isn't always in a cylindrical shape.
by Anus ANUS January 15, 2003
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someone who disapoints you greatly or makes things less fun in any way.
you're not going to wear that new shirt? god you poop.
by emalie March 13, 2004
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The censor for the word 'shit' at the ZeldaPower forums. Replaces the old, cooler censor, candy cane.
by zeldas cousin the great April 16, 2005
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Another word for gossip, or trivial information.
Gimme the poop on Brian. I heard he was gay, and I heard he was Bi, then I heard he was straight.
by eb1radtech May 21, 2005
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The Splinter- When your poo is sharp and jagged.
speedboat - shoots out of the hole so fast that it makes waves
the bomb (splasher)- unexpected, when log hits the bowl and splashes up to wet your behind.
the two-for-one - when you push so hard you accidentally pee a little.
the centipede- when the bowel movement is long and slender in a ribbon-like fashion.
the hot mess- when poop comes out steaming and scorches your hole.
cooks choice- when whatver you had for dinner suddenly surfaces in the crap (most common=corn)
the soiler- named after what it makes people do to themselves, it is alomost always unexpected, usually needing a whole roll of toilet paper.
the wait-a-whole-hour - poop so stenchy it requires others to let it air out for a while.
the firecracker - when there is loud noises erupting from your deirreire but usually no poop is actually discharged.
the coco pebbles- when you thought you pushed out a log but it turns out to look like the cereal.
the dirty bird- comes out chirping, never silent
the lone star- when you only have one turd.
the get-a-new-pair - when youve found you left some skid marks and/or a little rosebud in your bloomers.
the dart- when the poop is right on target and shoots straight into the tunnel.
the wrercking ball - literally destroys the toilet- usually requiring a plunger or plumber. aka the clogger.
the releiver -most common to fat people , occurs when you are overly full and you poop and the pressure is relieved.
"jen grab the plunger! ive got a wrecking ball!'"

"hahah. did you hear mark in the bathroom with his firecracker?"

"awe man. not another soiler"

"no kendyl! dont eat those coco pebbles!"
by the masters0258 June 25, 2011
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can be sometime blue.....and may even contian food i.e. CORN

very beautiful, smells fucking great!
and great facial! try it!

also GREAT for eating, and adding to your favorite recipes!

by PENIS IS MY FRIEND June 26, 2010
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