describes an event or technicallity...
person 1: ska fizzle!
person 2: what
person 1: i flunked a math test
by daniel clancy January 22, 2010
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To agree and be pleased with a direction another is guiding you.
Ok, come along now, time to get in the shower..

Wibble Fizzle Ma Dog!
by Zenpath September 1, 2011
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When you see something horrible, like a picture of a dead body and you get a funny feeling in your dick and it goes back up inside your body.
A guy told me about him cutting the top of his penis off after getting it stuck in his fly and I got fizzle dick.
by TheDirtyWordsmith May 2, 2019
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The act of farting on someones eye with the intent of giving them pink eye
Fizzle Dusting:

Dude what happened to your eye?
Man I got fizzle dusted and now I have pink eye
by Clint L June 2, 2011
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The politer version of saying fuck.
Heather: Oh my god! Did you hear the news? Britany Spears is getting another divorce!
Peisbel: What the Fizzle hammer????!?!?!
Heather: Ugh, I know right???
by flulaborg August 31, 2023
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A Fizzle Toy is one of the many attention whores that constantly try to publish new entries into Urban Dictionary but they are unfunny, uncreative, and most of all they just make shit up. Even worse, they try to create a monument to someone they hate by using their name as a verb to describe the aspects of the person they hate in a passive aggressive hope they will see what they did and notice them finally.
Hey. Yeah you. The editor reading this. You're a fucking Fizzle Toy. Stop trying to use names for people you know to make up new definitions on Urban Dictionary! Do you have any idea how annoying you are to people that actually contribute? And stop using your little name to try to get famous too you fucking Fizzle Toy!
by sw00p April 29, 2019
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