Female breasts similar to soft-balls in size and shape, typically indicating a large silicone breast implant. The breast's are generally unatural in appearance, unable to produce milk in the instance of pregnancy, but remain tasty and delectable.
Her breasts were so small that her implants caused a bulbous tumor-like look and feel creating what some might call Milk Duds.
by Kyle.with.an.okay? January 3, 2023
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A milk dud is much like a creme egg. During anal sex, the other partner will piss and later on cum into the other partner's anus when they need to take a crap, and when that partner goes to the bathroom, the feces will have piss and semen dripping from it. Much like the candy, it is brown on the outside and milky gold on the inside.
When he took off my red, lacy panties and slathered lube all over my thicc ass, he used that opportunity to... well, he Milk Dudded me. Later as I went to take a shit and freshen up, globs of feces, cum, and piss were dropping into the toilet bowl like ducks at a shooting range.
by Thatonedirtymindedfriend April 20, 2020
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Okay which one of ya’ll called me a milk dud I stg no more snow days for the rest of the year
by Martin Luther king jr December 3, 2019
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Boss: I believe good sir you spilt thy paint
Violent j: fook off and lick ma fuckin sweaty milk dud
by Slowbreezy February 17, 2021
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A bag of chips that looks full but is only half air and half chips
I got a bag of chips and I'm so annoyed because it is a dud bag
by Squishyboy101 August 2, 2017
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The feeling when you break up with someone in a romantic relationship.
I had a dud thud when my boyfriend jilted me.
by Ereck Flowers May 29, 2019
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