Valerie she's the girl of the class who's always fighting boys and talking about them too. She has a friend that's a boy and hates him too. Valerie is kind, hardcore, kind of a bitch, she's a little annoying hearing her voice over and over again but she is still someone you want to sit next to.
Hey that's Valerie right?
Yeah that's Valerie she's pretty funny
by Avacidis for lifeeeeee September 29, 2021
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Valerie is a bald young girl with massive stompers, if you meet a Valerie in your life it is reccomended that you run in the opposite direction, if you compliment her beautiful features (bald) she will violently attack you, she has the singing voice of a cheese grater
Morbius : Did you guys see valerie her beautiful wig

Valerie : ITS NOT A WIG
by MassiveManBlalls December 13, 2022
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Valerie is a short, shy girl who is very nice but when she gets comfortable she will show her true colors but other than that she is really nice person but sometimes stupid stuff will come out of her mouth, she's probably Hispanic. She's really sensitive and emotional. Valerie is a very quiet person when none of her friends are around but when they are she's is crazy. She is very insecure. But moral of the story she is a very sweet person and is a good friend.
Girl 1: "Who is she? "
Girl 2: "Oh that's Valerie she's really short"
by is_just_here25508 November 21, 2021
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A sexy girl who loves people named Alvin usually very very sexy and good in bed
AlvinAh man, this girl was so wet, such a hottie.”
Person 2 “ damn, must have been a Valerie”
by I’m fucking your dad so hard November 25, 2021
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Valerie meaning strength, courage, valour and river is derived from European languages. She has usually has brown hair on the darker tone, brown eyes and fair skin. She loves to play sport and loves maths and listening to music. Valeries can have a hard shell around her to protect herself, but inside, she can be a loveable teddybear and a huge softie.

Never get on a Valerie's bad side or she will get really mad at you. Somethihing that you will never want to see. But luckily, she rarely gets that angry and even if she does, she can forgive you easily and quickly. Valeries are very intelligent and sees when people are using them or if they are true friends. She loves her family and friends and if someone tries to hurt them, she will bust out the backhand if you try and harm her loved ones. She can have very interesting and unique hobbies of her own that she loves to do but no one else will understand. She tries her hardest in anything and especially school/work.
OMG Valerie is such an amazing friend! She is so funny and loveable teddybear
by happy_cow186 September 4, 2022
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ahe has massive assets it bounces up and down and up and down. the reason for this is because she is severely obese. She is also shit at everything
AI valeried on her
by giga chad with massiv cock August 19, 2022
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Valerie is a great mother but she always want to speak to the manager.
Valerie is Such a Carren but i love her
by XAM00 November 24, 2021
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