A person who sits outside an objective mostly in battlefield games and allows his teammates to spawn on him. A spawn whore doesn't attack the objective themselves rather sits outside and continues to allow his teammates to spawn and attack.
John sits outside of the B flag and allows half the team to spawn and attack the objective John is a spawn whore and is used purely as a mobile entrance into the field of battle.
by BeebTheDweeb February 20, 2018
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When a newly (re)spawned player or entity kills or destroys another newly (re)spawned player or entity. This is very rare.


Spawn Kill
Kill Spawn
Reverse Spawn Kill
You would not believe what just happened! I just spawned and was walking out into the fray when someone else spawned right in front of me with a rocket launcher and blasted me to bits! Spawn-to-spawn kills can be insane.
by The_Epicness9000 May 16, 2020
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Guy: "You know I found Big foot at the petrol station and he told me "Listen man, We're not extinct we just cover our tracks and bury our dead because you guys, you like to eat things and keep things as slaves." Then he asked for 3 dollar fiddy.

"Wow man you convinced me, it seems like you found a rare spawn."
by Indianacones April 25, 2017
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A term recently coined for Battlefield 2. Squad Members constantly spawning at their squad leader. The squad leader reamins hidden while the rest of the squad go attack, die, then spawn on the leader then go attack again.
Theres a spawn cow behind our flag
by 027 September 12, 2005
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Evil Spawn Meaning: A individual that practices doing Evil or a Satanic Person.
(Sub. Meaning/ Wicked Person )
Evil Spawn Person
by House of Yahweh July 24, 2023
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Spawn Farming. In The game Call Of duty, if you stay in the perfect zone, a certain distance from the enemy teams spawn point. Then you shoot them as they re-spawn.
Also a very dirty underdog dipshit retard fuck your grandma kind of thing to do, unless its yourself that's doing it, then its the best thing since your last wank.

2. Check it out dude, im spawn farming on these downy fuckers. AWSOME! :)
by SpikkaSpeggg December 8, 2015
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To steal or to take something from someone typically in a forceful way. Often announced before the stealing takes place. A local term from Denver, Colorado from the early 2000’s.
“I told him let me borrow his bike real quick, and yelled Spawn Deuce and left”
by Spree Gaming June 24, 2023
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