Noah McComber is the hottest person you’ll ever meet. While he does football and baseball, he’s extremely athletic. He might be simple and a little dumb but he makes up for that in the best ways. Noah is the best boyfriend any girl could ask for. If you start dating one, never let him go.
Noah McComber.. You continue to amaze me.
by Accurate Names March 30, 2020
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A person (usually a man) that attracts every girl he passes in a sexually intimidating way. He is the sexiest man on earth.
Wow! Bro look at that noah lackey!
by Cade morevil May 29, 2019
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A beautiful man and Vocals for a band called Bad Omans
Person 1: hey, have you heard about Bad Omens? They seem like a really good band

Person 2: yeah, the vocalist, Noah Sebastian is beautiful!
by Somerandomgingerkid September 24, 2023
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A kid with a huge nose who loves to rip peoples socks off
“Omg it’s noah perry, everyone run
by Griffinhasapinhead August 21, 2018
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Noah Sawch is a huge pimpin boii with intence ladie skills. He walks down streets with a blunt in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other. Cause hes straight up G'd to da bones bitches. This boy right here will knock you off your feet when it comes to be a G.
Dayum your Noah Sawch. G'd walk is killin.
by Darebeartodamaxish. September 16, 2010
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a big mother fucker who loves to act cool but is not and uses sex terms but does not know what they mean
noah holder called himself a whore he really is an asshole
by big man 1 2 3 4 April 21, 2020
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