I have belonged to gyms in numerous cities and states. One thing is always constant, no matter how many people are in the locker room, EVEN IF IT'S ONLY ONE OTHER PERSON, they have always picked the locker next to yours. So you have to dance around the changing bench and pull your clothes from your locker while looking as the butt of another guy you don't know. I have asked guys at so many different guys and no one has ever coined a phrase for this very common situation. Hence Moon Landing!
Blake was using the next locker to me, and we found ourselves doing a moon landing when we were changing.
by Derbykid December 19, 2021
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The act of sitting down.
The only moon landing I'm ever involved with is whenever I sit my fat ass down.
by sleepypie February 28, 2023
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Found you moon, or you found your moon refers to the celing price someone is managing to hold their Bitcoin to, Bitcoin goes to the moon is a saying for the enormous upturn Bitcoin does for long periods of times. It can be hard to not take profits. For some it comes day where they have found there moon and sell.
I just sold my Bitcoin
I guess you found your moon! Congrats
by WTango January 4, 2021
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An Animation and Creation Software Used by roblox animators an the Gaming platform roblox, Used for creating animations for roblox experiences such as Combat animations, Cutscenes, player movement etc.
"This Sword was animated with moon animator."

"I will make a animation inside of moon animator."
by PFisho September 27, 2023
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There are all kinds of strange theories claiming it was a sign of the beginning of the end times, but it's really just the red light wavelengths bending over the Earth's atmosphere and reflecting off the Moon's surface. It is really kind of eerie to see the Moon glow orange.
Guy: "Hey isn't it November 8th? Don't forget to vote! Hey what's that up in the sky?"
Guy2: " It's a Blood Moon! Better tell the ones you care about to stockpile food Cuz shit's about to get real!"
by vitaliconrad November 9, 2022
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