when someone sends you a text with a picture of their junk. Normally this text is not something you wanted or expected.
I was dating a guy and he junk texted me, I was grossed out and never saw him again!
by Flav101 December 18, 2013
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When the world is coming to an end and someone you know know texts you for sex.
Oh my god, Nathan just Apocalypse thirst texted me. He’s such a fuckboy.
by Schmoozer420 June 7, 2020
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A series of texts messages that tie back to one overall text message conversation
My buddies and I had a hilarious text string going about some random Bachelorette party chicks we met over the weekend
by GO COCKS March 24, 2017
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the ability to get an individual to open up sexually through social platforms like facebook/BBM/whatsapp/iMessage which leads to sexual encounters without getting to go on a date.
Yo dawg shawty went down son! I dont know shawty but she felt my text swag and gave it up!
by dycejones December 14, 2011
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Like its brother 'drunk texting', bored texting is the acting of texting someone in an usual manner when bored.
Bored Guy: *bored texting someone* Hey, are you a HFF?
Someone: *resonds* WTF?
Bored Guy: *giggles to himself* He's so a High Functioning Fuckard
by Macky_g June 4, 2014
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text of·fi·cial

Where a relationship is established as official based on the habitual occurrence of text message communications.
If she is going to text you first thing after work, that's text official.
by Ryan Whitney January 7, 2018
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