Moms who love their kids and don't mind taking them places... especially to soccer practice. You gotta love 'em... especially those who coach soccer! Lot's of people tease them for driving big SUV's but that's because they are generous enough that they always end up driving tons of kids everywhere! They are hardworking and love their kids and soccer. It's a hard job so don't tease them... could you make dinner, lunches, breakfast, clean, drive kids everywhere,shop for an entire family,and still manage to be cheerful all at the same time?! (I'm not a soccer mom but it's annoying when people trash talk them... I am a soccer OBSESSIVE however)
I don't have an example! but I need to put something here!
by Annacoco April 30, 2005
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Middle Ages White Women who love to take their kids to play soccer only to be picked up by black ghetto men with 19 inches dicks
Diana: Hey Charlie, you are such a soccer mom , you keep hanging out after your kids soccer match.
Charlie: Ya of course, I want to find a nice black guy for tonight
by The three Whales September 22, 2017
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A reflex that occurs when an otherwise well-mannered mother perceives her child has been threatened, slighted or other-wised maligned causing an uncontrolled outburst.
I could feel my soccer mom reflex go into action when I heard another kid's mom getting on to my son. I snapped and said, "Oh, no, you didn't just point your finger at MY son!"
by Lil Momacita January 1, 2014
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When you stop short while driving and throw your arm out to restrain the passenger from being thrown through the windshield à la soccer mom
Today some asshole cut me off and while I was braking I totally soccer mom saved Nadia.

by Bernay March 5, 2009
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The slippery slope of becoming a wannabe "Pro Photographer" that starts with the rule of 1 in 1,000.

With the advent of digital slr cameras for under $500 every mom with a camera takes 1,000 pictures of their child, 1 of those pictures is pretty good and when shown to a friend or family member she hears the golden words "that shot is have a real knack for photography" and so the journey begins.

Without any inkling of ISO, shutter speed, aperture, color balance, lighting, composition...any thought at all (AUTO EVERYTHING) mom thinks she has actual talent.

Through the marketing avenues of friends she books a few gigs shooting babies on bedsheets with gerber daisies, wearing funny colorful hats, hanging in cheese cloth, hands shaped in the form of hearts on expecting bellies, bad lighting, composition and exposure, but the ability to "sell it as art" since she's now a pro shooter.

1.) Images way to photoshopped, skintones are blown out, yellow, way to saturated.

2.) Won't give you a receipt since hubby is the bread winner and doesn't claim her income, it's tax free money under the table.

3.) Uses pirated photoshop.

4.) All the comments on their "mommy photo blog" are posted by the same 10 people every post with generic comments like "OMG, SO CUTE!!!!" or "Lisa, you are SO talented, OMG!!!" It's pretty much a must to have multiple exclamation points OMG! All comments must be dripping with unbelievable back patting ooze.
How was your session? I forgot all of my equipment at the studio so I just soccer mom'd it.

Wow, uuum, those images are really something? Yeah, I went to a soccer mom photographer. We didn't have the money for a professional photographer.

Those pictures look like my mom took them! That's because we used a soccer mom photographer.
by stinkbuttboy February 17, 2010
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The stereotypical vehicle of a soccer mom, the soccer mom van can usually be identified as a 90's Chrystler van with about ten bumper stickers for various soccer leagues.
The criminals evaded the very sight of the soccer mom van, as they were intimidated by the sheer power emitted from it.
by KeshcaShckay March 23, 2015
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It's a new epidemic: in the teachers lounge, all women book clubs, ballet studios, dojos - it's being called a "soccer mom speedball", which is a large starbucks coffee and a klonopin tablet, a medication used for anxiety. is your mom taking part?
by bleeeweee September 14, 2010
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