Mostly people named Jake they make things up and over exaggerate almost everything
by Simon Johnson July 17, 2018
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A dirty vile lowlife scumbag with no morals or regard for anyone else’s feelings.

Likes to bully people and is completely selfish.

Doesn’t think twice about cheating and is not even sorry about it.
Nick went out on a suppposed ‘works do’ had sex with a random stranger, caught an STD then came home and had sex with his wife passing the STD to her! What a scumbag
by May 4, 2022
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Everyone named Kyle is also a Jager/Scumbag
by QueenAton July 19, 2021
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A person or action that degrades others, hurts them, or is bad for others, which is only done for whomever's personal benefit or happiness.
Person 1: Did you see what Simon Cowell said to that little girl preforming?

Person 2: Yeah, pretty much everybody knows about it. He's such a scumbag.
by May 21, 2022
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A low life being with no morals.
Sherin is a scumbag.
by gabmucs June 10, 2022
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As a boy in New York during the 1950's, a scumbag was a used condom lying in the street, or in any other public place, usually thrown from a moving car. It signified utter and disgusting worthlessness.
Stay away from him. He's a real scumbag.
by Mickey Day May 12, 2022
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