Or Racially Stranded. It happens when a multiracial person doesn't feel belong to either race of his parents. It is an "In Between" state.

Similar to Culture Stranding
Matt's white friends think he is to "Asian" and his Asian friends think he is too "White"; Matt is in a Racial Stranding
by Jove Hue October 16, 2019
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When a straight racist dude gets fucked by a dude of opposite gender
Did you hear about <insert racist friend name here> getting racialed? They showed him good ;D
by BenjiBlue March 30, 2022
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A better name for a zebra. I will send my request to the government soon and hope they understand. If somehow you don't know what a Zebra is, it's an African wild horse with black-and-white stripes and an erect mane.
I think that racial equality donkey's are really cool. They're my favorite animal
by Waicev November 27, 2022
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Or Racial Stranding. It happens when a multiracial person doesn't feel belong to either race of his parents. It is an "In Between" state.

Similar to Culture Stranding
Matt's white friends think he is to "Asian" and his Asian friends think he is too "White"; His is Racially Stranded.
by Jove Hue October 16, 2019
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Racial fear is the irrational fear that Black, Indigenous, and people of color are dangerous. It often shows up as unpredictable and harmful reactions directed at communities of color. Racial fear actually endangers Black, Indigenous, and people of color.

Source: Racial Wellness, a book by Jacquelyn Ogorchukwu Iyamah
When the white woman on the sidewalk clutched her purse as I walked passed, I knew she was exhibiting racial fear.
by Racial Wellness September 19, 2023
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