That moment when you're browsing Tinder and come across a profile of a potential match. For whatever reason you can think of, you cannot decide which way to swipe. Therefore, in order to keep from making a decision, you close the app and re-open it, thereby re-shuffling your potential matches. This effectively puts that potential match in "Tinder Limbo."
Joe: Chelsie's profile just came up on Tinder. I definitely don't want to be more than friends with her. I want to swipe right just for fun, but that might give her the wrong idea...
Steven: So what do you think you'll do?
Joe: I think I'll just put her in Tinder Limbo. That way, I can decide later.
by Miller bros February 22, 2016
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Golden limbo is when an individual bends over backwards and directs their urine forcefully up and over themselves so it lands behind their head.
My friend bet me $20 that I couldn't piss into the urinal while facing away from it, so I did the golden limbo and won my 20.
by Suka Blyaat July 23, 2022
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A thought that is there but isn’t at the same time it is also able to keep you from thinking right and make you upset it basically is a stuck thought that is a void and it spreads so yeah it sucks
Ugh limbo thoughts suck they are voids that spread to other thoughts and you can’t shake them
by Ultra bot October 23, 2023
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How's Jimmy?! Wow, I thought you knew. He's been doing the long limbo for almost a year now. He stepped out in front of a bus and became part of the grill.
by Nate 57 September 5, 2015
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When despite all the streaming services you're paying for, that movie or show you're looking for isn't on ANYTHING at all. It is the assumed place these pieces of media rest when they're not available on any streaming service.

Your only option from here is to either pay to rent/buy it or pirate it online.
Friend 1: Netflix is streaming just Spider-Man 1 and 3, why isn't 2 on here?
Friend 2: Aw man, it must be in Streaming Hell/Streaming Limbo!
by CCGamekiller June 19, 2023
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Is the hottest dude to ever exist, he is a sexy mf and if u see him you should definitely talk to him, he may seem intimating, but he is super sweet and kind
He look its Limbo! Hes really hot omg...
by LimboKid July 26, 2021
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To use both marijuana and dextromethorphen (dxm) at the same time.

A a hazey trip usually robo(dxm)
Druggie: Dude let's limbo!
Druggie 2: Totally! You get the kush and I'll get the robo
by DrKoolKid September 7, 2014
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