To imply sexual frustration.

Ert meaning 'It' in Norfolk terms.
I havent got laid in over a month, I need ert!
by beardy6991 April 9, 2008
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ask somebody to giv you a question
ay Joe! I nEeD A qUeStIoN
Ya what?
Can i PLz eat your poo?
sure it sure is tasty
by Earth Worm Sally December 9, 2018
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A voiceline from the popular game team fortress 2 which comes from the engineer when you press c + 1

Engineer : I need some dog on help!
by MSCPT March 28, 2023
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means that you are a pro at winning
me: wow steve4212, you got the win!
Steve4212: so easy i doont need arms to win
by chishiki April 30, 2021
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Said when wanting to fight someone. Prison slang.
As the inmate got ready to fight, he asserted, “ I need that!”, while taking off his shirt.
by Epozar April 22, 2021
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Person 1: hey how’s a going *touches them*
Person 2: stop I told you I need space
by Chickenfeetslippers November 28, 2022
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