A sexual position in which one partner (usually male) spins rapidly on their genitals in the same way the ride Tilt-a-Whirl spins around it's center.
Mid-coitus, he stopped thrusting, and pulled off a Jackhammer Tilt-a-Whirl.
by Jaytheking May 19, 2020
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When a man fucks another man upside down bouncing up and down in a block of honey. They then proceed to freeze the honey and fuck in sub zero temperatures. The genitals swell up and create an expulsion of fat cum shots. Then they shatter the honey and die together
by The Cum Sock Master August 15, 2023
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Take a group of men, preferably around 11 including yourself, to any polish city. There, you shall start doing any sort of polka dance backwards around the most sexually arousing object you can find, inanimate or not, while jumping on your dick like a jackhammer. The person deciding what is or is not sexually arousing shall be decided through a tournament of monopoly while doing a handstand. Anyone who stops doing a handstand during a game is automatically disqualified and must be sent 10 kilometres in a direction of the winner's choosing. If this is not completed, everyone are allowed to paper-cut the failure into submission, and the proceed with the tournament.

When everyone's dicks have shrunken by at least 20 centimetres, the ritual is done and everyone is allowed to return to their normal duties. If someone doesn't have a 20 centimetre dick, then he does not deserve a place in this holy ritual.

This act is extremely frowned upon unless you smile to the fifth rat you meet in Poland while riding a ping-pong table down a hill.
- Honey...
- Yes?
- Matt asked me if I wanted to participate in Polish Reversed Jackhammer Upside-down Monopoly
- Sounds fun! It'll let you really connect with him and the others.
- I guess.
by XxXSjo_bOrReN87 February 19, 2019
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When a guy cums, a female repeatedly punches him in the groin
Guy 1 - “Why does Tommy have an ice pack on his crotch?”
Guy 2 - “His girl back home gave him a Wisconsin Jackhammer last night.”
Guy 1 - “Such a lucky fella
by TrollHunter95 November 6, 2021
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Shari had COVID and was complaining about her sore throat so Darko got out his salami stick and gave her a Serbian jackhammer 🤣
by The real Don drizzle May 25, 2022
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When two women use two double sided toys, one for each hole (bootyhole and vayjj) of each woman.
"I heard Susan and Becky did The North Dakota Jackhammer."
by Wheels97 February 27, 2021
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When a random person (usually a hobo or homeless person) goes up to any male walking down the street at random, and out of nowhere, quickly pulls down their pants and jacks them off at the speed of a jackhammer as they immediately ejaculate with no warning. The person doing the act then sprints off. The entire process is completed within a matter of seconds. This often occurs in Casper Wyoming which is in Natrona County.
Jake received the Natrona Jackhammer and didn’t catch a glimpse of the culprit!

Woah! I just got Natrona Jackhammered!

My friends and I are going to Natrona Jackhammer some people.
by regierawlins69_luskjelm August 3, 2021
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