1. (interj.) A phrase that someone says when something bad happens. The increasing vulgarity of each word is caused by the speaker getting more and more pissed off, culminating in a resounding fuck bomb.

2. (n.) A highly grotesque encounter between two or more gay guys, as can be inferred by the name.
1. (driving in car, late for work) "Feces!"

(driver spills coffee on self) "Poop!"

(driver swerves on road) "Crap!"

(cop chases after driver) "Shit!"

(driver crashes car) "FUCK!!!"

2. Guy #1: You hear that Tom and Bill had a feces poop crap shit fuck?
Guy #2: No, I didn't. What's that?
Guy #1: Oh, well they produced feces, then pooped, then crapped, then shat, all whilst fucking.
Guy #2: Oh, that makes sense. Thanks for letting me know, #1.
by fpcsf bomb August 17, 2011
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The words you aren't allowed to say on TV because they are always swears as compiled my George Carlin.
"Gee Grandma, I'd have to say that those guys in Blink 182 ripped off Carlin when they recorded shit piss fuck cunt cock-sucker mother-fucker tits."
by anonymous July 11, 2004
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1) another way to describe my family

2) the lyrics to the blink 182 song, family reunion. it is repeated 4 times, then followed by: i fucked your mom

3) a really fun thing to say infront of an adult (try it)
by queers annonomous June 22, 2003
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An insult towards others, trying to use as many cursing words/syllables as posible. This may simply be the base for an even longer string of obscenities
Bob: "I just lit my bin on fire!"
Frank: "You cock ass bum dick shit fuck."
by Ben Dan Snap July 2, 2006
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