Last name distinguishing part of the Jatt caste.
His name is Ranveer Kang
by Doabbe_Aale May 6, 2018
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A black man in the USA who identifies as a king but it's spelled Kang because of the accent some have when saying King. They believe white society has removed them of King status in Africa due to slavery and segregation. However, self professed kangz don't act very well. They create broken homes, don't have steady jobs, yet want women who serve them hand and foot for the simple fact they are a man but do not contribute to the family. Some Kangz also are passport bros who believe women in other countries will serve them as the king they are because American women are insubordinate.
This Kang has three children with different mothers and thinks highly of himself even though he doesn't pay child support and has no job.
by Pnutbtrjelly May 6, 2023
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When someone takes code and yeets it into theirs without giving credits or keeping commit ownership
Bro, I kanged that from platina and it didn't work!
Try kanging from lavender m8
by Sap1k May 14, 2020
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Innocent. There's vudeo footage that apparently exonerates him.
Hym "So... Are they going to bring back Kang or are they going to do him like they did Justin Roiland? Hit him with the ole 'You're not guilty but we already fired you and we would feel stupid if we hired you back after jumping the gun' treatment."
by Hym Iam September 25, 2023
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The last name of a typical hypebeast asian try hard. Ruins the whole social atmosphere when decides to talk, and usually embarrasses himself when attempting to model artwork e.g. pots. Its a terrible last name for a terrible person.
by bobo19283 April 9, 2018
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Types of people who do different and unique things to others.
Yoo that was kang bro never seen that before!”
by I_SEE_U March 28, 2021
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Sagging lower belly fat that resembles a KANGaroo pouch
How’s this shirt look on me?
Minor visible kang
by Lightchoppa September 10, 2019
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