basically “wig snatchedon steroids. Used to express EXTREME excitement when someone has done something amazing/shocking. Totally taken aback.
“I just saw the ‘Thank U, Nextmusic video. Roots ripped.”
by oblivicn December 3, 2018
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When engaged in oral pleasure of the anal variety, and your partner passes gas (a flatulence occurs) into your mouth. Can be used in combination with "Ghosting".
I totally rim ripped Jillian last night. Had to pop in a tic tac after though.
by BackdoorSauce February 22, 2016
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"Look at that guy hitting those weights! Someone's got some Ripped Revenge"
by Inordinate October 3, 2017
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can be used interchangeably in a variety of circumstances, usually as a proclamation or exclamation of excitement at witnessing something of value or quality.

May also be used when when experiencing pain (physical or emotional), anger, intoxication, or being under the influence of drugs.
1) Upon seeing an attractive woman:

" Damn yo, her bag is ripped!"

2) upon injuring ones self:

Person a) " hey man are you ok?"
Person b) *in agony* " Nah man my bag is ripped!"

Variation- Upon seeing someone else in pain, i.e if one were to biff it on a skateboard:

"Ah man did you see that dude get his bag ripped?!"

(Particularly applicable when a crotch shot is witnessed)

3) upon experiencing anger:

person a) " I am gonna kill that dude..."
person b) " come-on man, calm down, don't get your bag all ripped..."

4) upon intoxicaion:

person a) " man how much did you drink?"
person b) "I dunno man, but my bag is RIPPED!"
by Clint B. July 17, 2007
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When you are driving a manual car and you floor it to redline before forcefully jamming the shifter into the next gear. Bonus points for leaving your car at redline for several seconds and/or money shifting
“Hey wanna know how to turn your pistons into a space exploration program?”

“Let me guess, rip it and shift it?”
by FishWithFeet August 5, 2020
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A drinking game invented by a group of students on holiday. The basic rules for the game are as follows:

1. Pornography is to be shown on a TV, the more random the better
2. Each contestant is allocated an action used by porn stars (examples include reacharounds, slapping, oral sex, etc)
3. Each time the contestants action is shown, they must drink
4. When the contestants glass is emptied, they must refil it and loose an item of clothing

Special Rules:
1. Any time a porn star 'finishes' all contestants must down their drinks and loose an item of clothing
2. Bets may be made on particular features that may come up, (for example, where the man will finish - chest, face etc)
'Anna did you play Ripped Stripped and Shagged on holiday?...........
Why yes, and afterwards I acted it out with Prem'
by PremAnnaMaddieAndy April 18, 2008
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