An option c bitch is the kind of female who isn't even your back up plan. She is usually bangable, but only in dire circumstances, and usually only once. Only resort to an option c bitch if you're desperate for pussy.
Both Carly and Sydney bailed on me and now i'm stuck with Maddie, and she's barely an option c bitch. I'm not too proud of myself, but I really need to get laid.
by AKAreefer88 March 4, 2014
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proper noun: a decent podcast made by 3 mildly funny, tired and relatable middle aged nerds who struggle with recording equipment, but still make it work.
them: Are you listening to any podcasts right now?

me: Plans Are Optional.

them: Why don't you just say no, instead of trying to sound mysterious?

me, sighing: -_- no, thats the name of a podcast, Plans Are Optional.
by frankieluvsasuke October 29, 2019
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An Options Gamer is a person who has to adjust the settings first before even playing a game rather than after to see if settings need to be adjusted. Also applies to people who have to look at the options without changing them before playing a video game.
"Hey babe, how come you haven't started the game yet?"
"Sorry I just have to make sure the settings suit my monitor and if all the sensitivity is right!"
"Why don't you wait to play to see if you need to change anything?"
"Look, I just know okay"
"Ugh, you're such an Options Gamer"
by jeriahforte April 6, 2023
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Used to describe a single piece of meat or chicken, cooked to different temperatures.
Man this steak is well-done on one side and medium on the other. I got screwed.

Nah fam, you got options
by Tomtomtom76 June 5, 2022
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Miya and Hannah are just Khaleds options
by imnotmiya February 19, 2022
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This is the prelude to "no-shave November." It is where shaving becomes optional due to a variety of factors, including the beginning of the MLB playoffs, your favorite NFL team being 3-1, plain old laziness, or the fact that one just needs some practice not shaving. It can also relate in northern tier states to the beginning of deer bow hunting.
Dude, you didn't shave today. Are you prepping for "No-Shave November?" "Yep, but it has a name. It's called Optional October."
by iliumoptical October 2, 2012
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