A drink that is not really a drink. It's a drink that was created on the moment with whatever liquor are available. It's only a Martini by definitions because its served on a stem glass.
Sergio: Hey man. What the fuck is in this martini?

Weaksauce: IDK man, I just mixed whatever liquors we had left over.

Sergio: I can't even taste the vermouth faggot. This some Hector Martini.
by King Cobra XX September 10, 2010
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A sexual act in which the tongue is inserted into a partner's ear. Usually the result of overenthusiastic foreplay and/or alcohol.
Sarah gave me a French Martini last night, that's why she's sleeping on the couch.
by ipopiad September 3, 2016
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When a girl is struggling with pubic hair drastic action is required.

The man fills her clunge with martini (or other spirits) then instead of drinking from her excessively furry cup…. Lights a match and singes her carpet before entering her.
Roger : I went to see that girl last night that’s allergic to Razors.

TONY : What did you do?

Roger : I gave her a pink martini haircut

Tony : great shout, I bet she has a lovely smooth snatch now
by STANDINGRICH December 28, 2022
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A martini with 3 times the amount of olive juice compared to a dirty martini.
James Bond slapped the bartender after they game him a xxx martini because he hates olives.
by August 8, 2021
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Fabulous cocktail made of vodka, kahlua liquer and esspresso served in Funkey Monkey bar in Pilsen, Czech Rep.. It bears its name in honor of Columbia Pictures folks who enlightened bar life in Pilsen by teaching local bartenders how to prepare this delicious drink. (syn. Espresso Martini)
by Keldy January 15, 2020
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A martini used with olive and its bits. Used with spicy/non spicy deli olive juice and olives. Creates a swampy but tasty martini beyond a filthy martini.
I'll have a dirty martini....make that filthy...actually make that swampy. I'll have a swampy martini.
by RestrictedCandy August 12, 2016
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