so cool so hot so perfect everybody wants to be with them! she is so beautiful everybody melts when they see her she is also smart and cool
by Onedirectionfan2.0 June 22, 2021
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A very lazy person.
Wow Emmy is so lazy
by Pseudonymspen January 12, 2022
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The kind of girl who you’d rather see as a little sister than as a potential date. She’s funny but she can be pretty nosy and stubborn when she wants to. She’s not the kind of girl to be offended or frustrated with people as she doesn’t take herself nor much things very seriously. She’s heterosexual but she’d definitely smash a girl.
- Look at her, isn’t this girl always fucking laughing and fooling around?
- Yeah she’s something. I heard she fucked a girl last night.
- Oh so she’s an Emmy?
by ieatassssss July 24, 2019
Get the Emmy mug. all over. An ambivert. She has brown hair with blonde highlights. She is extremely sweet, kind, and emotional. You may have to be gentle towards her. She loves food and hates anxiety tho she has more anxiety than food everyday She simply does not care what others think towards her. Tho shes hungry 24/10 and always wants attention.
Steven: God, some people are just so emotional.
Jake: I guessing you're talking about, Emmy
by cookie1435 January 13, 2022
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Emmy, is a amazing girl, she always is amazing and great, I love her so much, she is a amazing girl, tho she can be sarcastic with a mad attitude but when you see her true self she is amazing and you can tell she is.
Friend: omg look over there is the best girl!
Sister: yep that’s Emmy!!!!!!
by A weird Sheri May 25, 2021
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emmy, a very sweet and pretty girl who has a spiderman addiction. she has a weird sense of humor but a really cute laugh, emmy loves to read and write, she likes watching romance movies. she enjoys running and playing tennis with her family, she also loves her dog. cant forget her crippling obsession with tom holland
oh my that’s emmy? emmy is so cool and nice, i cant believe she loves running that’s so boring
by ykwhoitismf March 25, 2022
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Emmy is very hot, smart and beautiful person. She has a great personality and she understand people when they are sad. She is easy to discust with and she like to just speak with her best friend. She has a big plan for her future, she learn fast and she take in imoportant information. She is kind of a boss in many situations and like to decide in hard times. She had a wonderful childhood and grew up with her parents with no problems. In older years she like to sport and exercise she have a great cardio. She gets what she want often just by talking. The most boys will have her becaus she is so kind and think about people, and she has a beautiful face with and without make up, sha has a good style and mostly like to wear jeans. School is easy specially when she is with her best friend, they are like cookie without milk, if they are not together. When she start loving some one she can't stop loving him/her. She is just a very hot, smart, beautyful and great girl that needs love.
Hug your Emmy
by Handinfektion December 11, 2016
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