A font that is very useful for typing English essays in, if you don't mind getting into trouble. >:)
Mrs. ______: I Can't read this!

Johnny: She's reading the essay I typed, she can't understand because it's in Wingdings!

Sally: She can use a decoder, you know.

Johnne: NOOOOOO!!O!O!O!!!!
by BattsFallamBaybee January 2, 2012
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WD Gaster (named after the fonts WINGDINGS and Aster) is a secret character in the RPG UNDERTALE by Toby Fox

Nobody knows much about Gaster, we don't even know what he really looks like, but we know that in the game he was the former royal scientist of the underground

abilities: unknown

Possible appearance: a possibility of what DR Gaster looks like is a goopy noseless Skeleton with a crack going up his right eye and another going down his left eye, he wears a black lab coat and a white sweater, and appears to either have a big hole in both his hands or his hands are closed/ in a fist

it is widely believed that Gaster is the father of sans and papyrus ( the skelebros named after the fonts comic sans and papyrus)
another belief is Gaster created the skelebros by cutting a hole in each of his hands and using what he cut out to clone himself (creating sans and papyrus)
another belief is after Gaster was shattered across space and time he was split into 2 beings therefor meaning sans and papyrus could be 2 halves of Gaster

nobody knows how or why Gaster was erased from his timeline and shattered across space and time

some believe he fell into the core (a giant power converter that converts lava into power that Gaster created)

some say he was pushed in

some say he was sucked into a black hole during one of his many experiments.

by comicsans92 September 15, 2017
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Those nuts of a right leaning persuausion which go so FAR right that they almost strip their threads completely from the
bolt. As if the slightest touch or even a vibration might make them lose their grip on reality entirely.
Bob was certainly unusual. He attended Proud Boy meetings and ended up accusing everyone in the room of using the
wrong setting on their hair clippers. He joined Oath Keepers for dinner and complained they did not get there at the time
they promised. Even the most conservative Brit would say "He's a right wingding! He is wound up so tight he's about to
lose his grip!
by You rReal Name January 26, 2021
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A nonbinary person who acts as a wingman/winggirl.
Dude 1: Yo, my wingding hooked me up with this bangin' hot blonde last night.
Dude 2: Who's this wingding? Is she like a wingman, but better?
Dude 1: They prefer "they/their" pronouns. Please respect. And yes, they are better then any wingman I ever met!
by Your Favorite Local Artist August 20, 2019
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This is a smashing good-time party. A naughty extravagant party with all the bells and whistles. Something the well-established privileged set has at even the slightest drop of a hat.
"Dahling, you know what time it is...(pops open umbrella) we're going to have a wingding; a very special wingding!
by jR1111 July 4, 2021
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Wingdings is series of symbols implemented by Microsoft in the 1990s. These symbols were packaged into a font so they could easily be used in word processors. So when you type a letter on your keyboard, a Wingdings symbol appears instead. Wingdings is known as a "dingbat" font because ornamental symbols called dingbats were often used by early printers for aesthetic purposes. its also the language of a character from the game UNDERTALE made by toby fox. WD Gaster (the undertale community thinks W.D stands for wingdings, and gaster comes from the "aster" font)
the language or symbols of wingdings or dingbats look like this:
"☜︎︎☠︎︎❄︎︎☼︎︎✡︎︎ ☠︎︎🕆︎︎💣︎︎👌︎︎☜︎︎☼︎︎ 💧︎︎☜︎︎✞︎︎☜︎︎☠︎︎❄︎︎☜︎︎☜︎︎☠︎︎

👎︎︎✌︎︎☼︎︎😐︎︎ 👎︎︎✌︎︎☼︎︎😐︎︎☜︎︎☼︎︎ ✡︎︎☜︎︎❄︎︎ 👎︎︎✌︎︎☼︎︎😐︎︎☜︎︎☼︎︎

❄︎︎☟︎︎☜︎︎ 👎︎︎✌︎︎☼︎︎😐︎︎☠︎︎☜︎︎💧︎︎💧︎︎ 😐︎︎☜︎︎☜︎︎🏱︎︎💧︎︎ ☝︎︎☼︎︎⚐︎︎🕈︎︎✋︎︎☠︎︎☝︎︎

❄︎︎☟︎︎☜︎︎ 💧︎︎☟︎︎✌︎︎👎︎︎⚐︎︎🕈︎︎💧︎︎ 👍︎︎🕆︎︎❄︎︎❄︎︎✋︎︎☠︎︎☝︎︎ 👎︎︎☜︎︎☜︎︎🏱︎︎☜︎︎☼︎︎

🏱︎︎☟︎︎⚐︎︎❄︎︎⚐︎︎☠︎︎ ☼︎︎☜︎︎✌︎︎👎︎︎✋︎︎☠︎︎☝︎︎💧︎︎ ☠︎︎☜︎︎☝︎︎✋︎︎❄︎︎✋︎︎✞︎︎☜︎

❄︎︎☟︎︎✋︎︎💧︎︎ ☠︎︎☜︎︎✠︎︎❄︎︎ ☜︎︎✠︎︎🏱︎︎☜︎︎☼︎︎✋︎︎💣︎︎☜︎︎☠︎︎❄︎︎






🕈︎︎☟︎︎✌︎︎❄︎︎ 👎︎︎⚐︎︎ ✡︎︎⚐︎︎🕆︎︎ ❄︎︎🕈︎︎⚐︎︎ ❄︎︎☟︎︎✋︎︎☠︎︎😐︎︎✍︎︎" - W.D Gaster

(translates to: "E︎N︎T︎R︎Y︎ N︎U︎M︎B︎E︎R︎ S︎E︎V︎E︎N︎T︎E︎E︎N︎

D︎A︎R︎K︎ D︎A︎R︎K︎E︎R︎ Y︎E︎T︎ D︎A︎R︎K︎E︎R︎

T︎H︎E︎ D︎A︎R︎K︎N︎E︎S︎S︎ K︎E︎E︎P︎S︎ G︎R︎O︎W︎I︎N︎G︎

T︎H︎E︎ S︎H︎A︎D︎O︎W︎S︎ C︎U︎T︎T︎I︎N︎G︎ D︎E︎E︎P︎E︎R︎

P︎H︎O︎T︎O︎N︎ R︎E︎A︎D︎I︎N︎G︎S︎ N︎E︎G︎I︎T︎I︎V︎E

T︎H︎I︎S︎ N︎E︎X︎T︎ E︎X︎P︎E︎R︎I︎M︎E︎N︎T︎






W︎H︎A︎T︎ D︎O︎ Y︎O︎U︎ T︎W︎O︎ T︎H︎I︎N︎K︎?︎")
by s,e,x July 8, 2023
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