Being caught in an endless converation with someone that has no point or meaning. Usually one party is extremely cheesy and the other party is trapped unable to break away from the conversation. Once the person is able to leave they are confused. Talknapped.
I'm sorry I am late, but I ran into a guy at the store and he whippled me for over an hour.
by Carl Hansell June 13, 2006
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A Pennsylvania term for ''Arrogant Degenerate'', the word ''whipple'' is often used to describe a drug addict, sometimes a deadbeat, and other times an arrogant person. The word derives from a name local to parts of Pennsylvania, namely Bradford County, and was used initially in reference to a man named Dylan, who was a known thief and drug addict in the area until fleeing to Florida to escape prosecution. After the departure, the term became synonymous with arrogance.
''Man, that kid is being a serious whipple''

''I do fear that that kid may be well on his way to becoming a whipple''
by K. Lowry January 7, 2018
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An incest family originating in Greens Landing, PA.

They are most notable for being a family that not only has sex with one another, but they also do crack and other drugs together as well.

The Whipple's are especially special, because upon being held accountable for being incest drug addicts, one of their most incest members fled to Florida, where he now works at a pizza joint soliciting sex from his friends animals for money.

A quick search on Facebook or Google will reveal just how unbelievably mutilated the family looks as a result of centuries of inbreeding.
"I need to impregnate my dog, I should call a Whipple"

"I really need some crack and to impregnate my horse, I need a Whipple"

"I wanna know what incest looks like, I should talk to a Whipple"
by K. Lowry September 9, 2017
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The ripple appearing in the flesh when receiving a whipping.
The whipple in her flesh with every strike only served to turn him on more and more.
by Bamelamelam August 12, 2017
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a reaction to someone else that is worded as an action, and can have a positive,negative or neutral meaning. in a positive sense, it is similar to when someone "eats your art" and in a negative meaning it is similar.
"just whippled my pants"
"i just whippled"
"can you make me stop whippling?"
by ImpostorWhipple July 14, 2023
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A cool last name, usually of Scottish or English origin.
Don't squeeze the Charmin Mr. Whipple. They call him Mr. Whipple or Whip for short.
by Robin79 July 11, 2008
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n. The act of smacking one's penis anywhere on another person's body, preferably the face. May be accompanied by the victory shout, "Whipple!"

Often used in verb form as well.
"I'm gonna give you a whipple."
"He whippled me and now I can't open my left eye!"
by mccarth January 6, 2009
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