Taking a really long crap at work to the point people ask if you left for the day.
Where did you go?
I was taking a Geoff..

I'm going to Geoff it up!
by Dueses September 7, 2012
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That guy that is always whipped by small ethnic girls.
Guy 1: Hey wanna chill?

Guy 2: Uhh...I have to clean my car (meaning hang out with a small ethnic girl).

Guy 1: Oh come on, don't be a Geoff.
by notBK June 4, 2010
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He's the sweetest guy you'll ever meet he's nice charming and has good looks while at it. He's smart so keep your eye on a guy name Geoff make sure you treat him good or he'll just go away and you'll regret not having him by your side anymore.
Either way he's just a really cute guy with a sense of humor and he'll just make you Chuckle and smile a lot if you know him

Take charges and become a Geoffs friend.
Girl 1: Damn I really wished I hadn't left Geoff go he's a really good guy

Girl 2: Yeah you should've kept him
by Anoyoumus Girl May 26, 2017
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i think someone once told me a Geoff is a pirate oppossum with 6 legs that is a crew member of most serpentine space vessels. They're astrophysicists most of the time...but not usually. They have a diet of mostly girraffe eggs and rhinocerous bladders and are none too pleasant to speak with if you just happen to be a fucking dumbass...they eat those bagels heads like licorice...chocolate licorice.
by BeAverHed June 23, 2005
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a horny crazed man...looking for moms...has a gigantic head...and his code word is sweden
by huey hueyardson February 4, 2009
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U are a Geoff
by Jonjon.boy January 25, 2018
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