the point of a night at which one slips into a state of total disrepair and self-indulgence, as if they were headed to a bizarre imaginary place, taking said person "into the whisk". This phenomena generally occurs as a direct result of the excessive consumption of alcohol.
Dallas: Man, Craig lost total control of all bodily functions last Saturday! We had to send him back home with Brittany and Carlene. That rig was definitely headed into the whisk!!
by Cabri14 January 22, 2013
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a girl who likes to stir shit up, just for the purpose of causing drama.
1) ''she's such a whisk, all she does is stir shit up''

2) ''did you see all the facebook fights the whisk started? shit-stirrer much?''
by ogogtripleog June 26, 2011
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Household appliance, also seeming to be very insulting if mentioned to males.
by sakubambu September 19, 2007
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a shorter term for the word "whisker" meaning a cigarette or to smoke a cigarette.
"Wanna go to Mando's house and whisk?"
"Hey Kamil can i get a whisk?"
"Who's got the whisks?"
"Dude Amir, I'm dyin' for a quick whisk."
"Lets get a pack of whisks."
by whiskerking July 9, 2009
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See: Whiskey Tango. A shortened term which is less conspicuous when used in earshot of the offending whiskey tango.
Pete: "Dude look at all the whisks standing by the trailer!"

Rob: "Sooo whisk... that one has no teeth!"
by JPWobbles July 3, 2010
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to shave the pubic hair off of your vagina, or cutting trees down.
Boy: What took you so long?
Girl: OMG SORRY, I had to go whisk in the bathroom.
by Jintzo August 31, 2012
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