Sumthing very funny and ridiculous
Thats humungous.....
Thats Wat She SAid

by SALKFJsalfk February 18, 2008
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When someones penis is so big that it slaps the inside of their knees when they walk.
What size condom would you like?

Let's just say it's a knee slapper.
by Erak22 September 28, 2009
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A blunt that is so large, or otherwise so potent, a hit causes you to slap your knee and say "GAH'DAM."
We's burnin knee slappers in this bitch.
by The Pizza Man March 30, 2006
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When a woman has saggy old lady boobs that hang so low they slap her knees when she walks
by JarMa13 December 4, 2018
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antonym for a bad and cheesy joke
Guy 1: what do you call cheese that isn't yours?

Guy 2: Idk what?

Guy 1: nacho cheese

Guy 2: now that's a knee-slapper!!!
by billystiggle December 10, 2011
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something really funny (from the slapping of the knees and hitting the floor associated with laughter.
That was one heck of a knee-slapper.
by The Return of Light Joker August 3, 2008
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1) An otherwise unfunny, awkward, or just stupid joke. Usually a dad pun or something of the sort. Said after this to show that it should have never been said in the first place. Invented by hillbillies and rednecks when sitting on their porches, slapping their knees when somthing funny happens.

2)said after something funny and stupid happens.
dumb guy:"Two peanuts are walking down the street, and one of them was assaulted!"

normal guy (slaps knee and fake-laughs):"Wow! That sure was a knee slapper!"

guy skates and falls off rail, hurting his knee and friend laughs.
Later they are talking and laughing about a dumb joke.

friend:"wow that sure was a knee slapper!" (slaps knee)

guy:"yea!"(slaps knee very hard, and dislocates it from the earlier accident)

friend:"no that's a knee slapper!"
by dhawk123 March 8, 2009
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