While having an orgy, get all your orgy friends lined up in a position where they can all eat ass. Like a human centipede.
Sean:Duuuuuuuudddeeeeee last night was so good with suzie,sally,Sandra, and Steve.
Shane: dude ik, we worked that human centipede.
by C-chedda August 26, 2015
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Eating someones ass while someone else eats yours
"Yo last night me and my girl had a human Centipede with the neighbor"
by War_ren_peace April 14, 2017
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Sexual position in which three or more people assemble single file, on all fours and place their faces in the person in front's butt cheeks. Each person in the chain then proceeds to deficate into the following person's mouth, with the last person ending the chain with their's falling to the floor.

Thus completing the Human Centipede.
Guy #1: Bro, picked up two hookers the other day and they asked me to be The human Centipede head.

Guy #2: What the fuck?! Did you do it?

Guy #1: ...
by Reke July 20, 2013
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Farting directly onto someone’s face with your asshole adjacent to their mouth hole
Troy fell asleep on the bench, so Wade woke him up by straddling his face and human centipeding him so that he would hear, smell and taste the nastiness. That was one fart he’ll never forget!!!
by Schtuff March 21, 2018
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Morphed from the film and interpreted into a realisation. A term used to describe suck ass management structures and what you have to do other than put the kneepads on and suck cock to suck-seed, or bend over a barrel and get fucked up the ass and expecte to suck the shit dick afterwards.
That fuck tard is now paid on higher wages for a that management position that wasn’t advertised. Doesn't he realise he’s now on the ass end of that Human Centipede.
by TIMMY, timmy. November 28, 2020
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Sexual position in which three people perform anal on each other in a single file line. This can be performed with either three guys or two guys and one girl. (not permitting dildos)
Dude me and Bill totally did a human centipede with Amy last night!
by Young freckle April 2, 2011
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A 3 headed human originally born as a centipede but killed in a tribunal fire and reborn as 3 separate humans that are connected from ass to mouth.
"What the fuck is that?"
"I believe it is a fucking human centipede"

"Where the fuck did that come from?"
"I have no fucking idea... I think it might be a fucking human centipede."

"Who the fuck is that?"
"Long fucking story, it's my grandfather."

"I wonder how it uses the fucking bathroom?!"
"I have no fucking clue. Fucking human centipedes."
by human centipede motherf*cker August 22, 2011
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