Before you have sex, Trim or yank out pubic hair and place it on the night stand next to the bed. Engage in any sexual position you like. When you are going to nut pull out and shoot on her face. After you shoot on her face grab the pubic hair and throw it in her face. This will cause the hair to stick therefore creating the Gorilla Mask.
It is in the definition.Gorilla Mask.
by JoeWilly 1972 April 24, 2007
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When a guy shaves his pubes and puts them in a bag. Then a girl gives him a blowjob until he is gonna cum. Then he will cum on her face. and empty th bag of pubes on her face. making the pubes stick to her face and looking like she is wearing a gorilla mask.
Jenna: "You know Mark?"

Jessica: "Yeah, I heard he gives massive Gorilla Masks

Jenna: "Its true, He gave me on and i used it on Halloween!"
by Dylan (triip) Herzberg January 10, 2009
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You shave off the person's pubes and put them in a ziplock bag. Then you spunk on their face and then sprinkle the hair over it.
Johnny helped me put together a gorilla mask for my halloween costume.
by Anonymous December 19, 2002
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When you are hitting it from behind. Right before you cum u rip the girls pubes out and when she screams and turns around to yell at you, you cum in her face and throw the pubes in it.
I was hittin it from behind and gave her a gorilla mask!
by tito11111 June 18, 2010
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After a cum facial the recipient is surprised with a fist full of pubic hair. A GORILLA MASK is not complete if the receiver doesn`t yell out "GORILLA MASK" as they're throwing or slapping the pubes on the recipients face.
(In the distance)... "GORILLA MASK!"

"What was that?"

"Somebody just got GORILLA MASKED"


"A cum facial followed by a fist full of pubes."

"Huh. Let's go back to my place. I wanna try something out."
by GorillaMaskFacials February 28, 2012
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when a man and a woman are enjoying intercourse and he is about to cum so he takes it out, turns her over and cums in her face, then quickly trims his pubes and throws them at her face making them stick creating gorilla masking.
"i did some awesome gorilla masking to my piece last night! she looked terrible!!"
by Sara5 June 17, 2008
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the act of cumming on someones face, after while putting pubes in the cum to let it dry;therefor, giving them the resemblance of a gorilla
ashley scraped while sucking johns dick so she was surprised in the morning to wake up with a gorilla mask.
by Peter gosina February 6, 2009
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