To excrete with such volume and vehemence but distinctly intermittent chunk formation, that to an external observer it would appear as though a very brown game of tetris is taking place.
I had a bad case of the shits on Tuesday. My ass was spitting tetris down the u-bend.
by Filth Wizard October 5, 2007
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To fit thing in any confined space, no matter how pact it is.
I have to find a way tetris these boxes into the garage.
by terryyaki October 3, 2012
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A tetri is a unit of measurement. It is the average amount of random tetris pieces you can fit, similar to a square foot, but not similar at all actually.
"Man this house I bought is huge! It's 30493453 tetri." "Oh god damn, my house is only 5420 tetri, you son of a bitch."
by KB Homes February 20, 2009
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The greatest game known to man. Came out on the wordNES/word at one time.

Also the earning of four lines at once, worth 12,000 points on Lv. 9 for the wordNES/word version.
I just got 12,000 points with a Tetris playing Tetris!
by ExKay July 22, 2003
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To squeeze or pack many objects of different shapes and sizes into a small area for transportation.
"Barely managed to tetris all of our gear into a Hungarian taxi" - The Glitch Mob
by Trevellian October 21, 2011
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A computer game created in the 1980's by Alex Pajitnov (Pazhitnov), Dmitry Pavlovsky, and Vadim Gerasimov.

The game involves forming complete lines using items of various shapes across a rectangle gaming board, while avoiding going over the top of the board.

At the time of its release, many American's believed it was a Soviet Cold War-era plot designed to distract American youth from more productive activities.
After spending the weekend playing Tetris, Dave and John realized that they were not prepared for their Chemistry Exam.
by Nique January 5, 2005
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Another way of saying sex but to be more discrete
Hey mom me and Jenny are going upstairs to play Tetris
by SubieDave April 4, 2020
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